PINK is a versatile color steeped in cultural and emotional significance. It embodies sweetness, love, and
tenderness in numerous cultures, providing psychological comfort. However, given its multitude of
shades—ranging from vibrant blueish pinks to softer, icily pale hues—PINK presents a paradox.
We explore interpreting our own variation of pink against our societal and environmental layers, redefin-
ing what pink means to us. Artists infuse their personal aection for pink, expressing how they perceive
and combine materials to create unique shades of pink.
Our pink narrative, fueled by artists' love for the color and their distinctive creative approaches, shows its
varied meanings to evoke emotions in both aesthetics and cultures. We encourage them to craft their
unique pink, one that has yet to exist in the world, presenting their pink essays to enrich their journey in
constructing their individual pink kingdom.
Knit Pigment’s first edition, PINKDOM, focuses on telling the stories of pink through artists: Sho Ota,
Pyeori Jung, and Sangmin Oh. The final collage works are created by Pim Top.
The exhibition is now at Rauch ospace (Krefeld, Germany) from 9th November till 8th December.
Knit Pigment curates immersive spaces that celebrate a vibrant, multi-sensory experience, showcasing
the diverse tapestry of colors surrounding us. Each edition creates a canvas inspiring and uniting our
We strive to dismantle barriers associated with diversity, cultures, and color stereotypes. Engaging artists
in conversations about colors fosters an open dialogue, connecting through their unique color stories.
Crucially, we bridge our community through our collective creativity. Inquiring about artists' distinctive
working methods and how they employ their hands in their craft allows us to observe their work and
lifestyle. Run by Ae Oce and Sangmin Oh.

Artist: Pim Top, Rotterdam - Netherlands

Title: Pinkdom by Knitpigment

Pool Board size: 615 x 405cm

Date: November 09, 2023 - February 23, 2024
Instagram: pim_top
Web: www.pimtop.com/